At the moment there are 3 Types of components:
- Input containers - Items in these chests will automatically get transferred into the miscellaneous chests.
- Sorting containers - These chests have an item as a filter and only items matching the chest's filter will get transferred here
- Miscellaneous containers - If there is no chest for an item type, the leftover items will go here
To add a component into your network, you first need to craft it at the crafting table.
The recipes should be unlocked at join, make sure the recipe book is set to “Show all” and not “Only craftable”.
After selecting the network, the components should be installed in, just place down the component you crafted.
You should receive a confirmation message in chat.
For further editing, you need a Network Wand, which can also be crafted.
Using left-click (without shift), you can switch between filter editing and priority editing mode.
By right-clicking on a network component, you can see basic information about it.
For Sorting Containers to function, they need to be given at least one item as a filter.
This is done by shift + right-clicking a Sorting Container with a Network Wand on Filter Mode in the main hand and your filter item in the offhand.
To remove the filter, do the same, but shift + left click.
When on Filter mode, the entire item type is added as a filter.
When on Strict Filter mode, only this specific item with its metadata is added.
If you have multiple sorting containers with the same filter or multiple miscellaneous containers, you can set their priority, so that higher priority components will be filled first.
(By default, sorting containers are prioritized over misc containers)
To change a component's priority, make sure your wand is set to Priority Mode and shift + right/left click on a Sorting/Miscellaneous container.