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/net list

Lists all networks, you have access to

/net create

Create a network with a specified name

/net rename

Rename a network

/net delete

Delete the network with a specified name

(Requires being network owner or having OP perms)

/net select

Select a network for further editing

(Requires being network user or having OP perms)

/net user add

Give a player access to edit components of your network

(Requires being network owner or having OP perms)

/net user remove

Revoke a player's access to your network

(Requires being network owner or having OP perms)

/net owner

Transfer the ownership of the network to another player

(Requires being network owner or having OP perms)

/net items

Lists all items in your network

/net merge

Merge 2 different networks to one. All components from network2 will be transferred to network1 and the final network will have the higher upgrade tier from the two. (Requires being owner of both networks or having OP perms)